
The Global Chemist provides only general information about drugs that do not cover all instructions, potential drug unification, or precautions. We are not liable for any direct, indirect, special, or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for outcomes of self-treatment. The Global Chemist is the best Online Authentic Medicine Store for shopping at no time bounds because we have the widest range of your generic medicines, Authentic Medicines, prescribed and OTC (over the counter) with full general information.

All registered trademarks and generic and brand names including all types of medicines are the intellectual property of the respective manufacturers. They have no affiliation with the website itself, since all rights are reserved with the manufacturers. The information on this website is purporting for informational purposes only and should not be misunderstood by medical advice.

The manufacturers of the medicines offered by TGC are licensed and maintain complete pharmaceutical care and hygienic conditions. In addition, these all authorized by FDA. In addition, the brand names indicated in the ‘Brand search’ column are purporting only to guide site visitors and their knowing.

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